Monday, June 23, 2008

Long time, no post

It's been way too long since I posted last! Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures uploaded right now to post pictures, but I can update you a little on what's been going on with Matt & I lately.


We're so happy to say that Matt graduated from Faith Baptist Bible College on May 9th (the day after his 22nd birthday)! Matt has earned his Bachelor of Science as an Assistant Pastor with a Youth emphasis.

We also were able to celebrate by brother's graduation from East High School on the 24th!


June 1st was the first day of our new adventure. Matt is the new Youth Director at Grace Church in Newton, Iowa. Grace in Newton is a church that was planted by Grace in Des Moines. It's a little over two years old, has an attendance of roughly 150 each week and has a youth group of about 12-15 students. Since the church is so young, they can't afford to pay a youth pastor at the present time, so Matt has a full time job as well. We're really excited to get to know the kids and form relationships with them.

June 2nd was Matt's first day at his new (paying) job. He's working night stock at HyVee in Newton. He works 11:00PM-7:00AM most nights, but some nights (truck nights) he works 9:00PM-7:00AM. He really enjoys the people he works with, but the hours are exhausting!

Since we are going to be serving in Newton, we thought it only appropriate that we live in Newton. June 6th was moving day. The plan was for me to work half a day and we would start moving at 1:00. I woke up at 4:00 AM to use the restroom and stepped into a couple inches of water in our basement apartment! We were so fortunate that we had moved the majority of our boxes the night before (containing all of Matt's books) and so the only things we lost were two boxes of pasta and a poker set! Our wonderful parents (and my brother) came over at 4:30 AM and helped us move. We were completely done by 2:00 that afternoon!

We've been settling into our new townhome in Newton and love it! Matt has always been one to wave at strangers he sees on the street and in Newton, they actually wave back! :) There is an ice cream truck that comes in front of our house twice a week- a real ice cream truck, not the Schwans man. :)

I am still working on the south side of Des Moines, but am hoping to get a job a little closer to home soon. It's about a 45 minute commute one way and I'm going through a tank of gas in my little Corolla in about 5 days! We'd appreciate your prayers for me to find a job closer to Newton very soon.

I'll try to post some pictures soon!


Rachel said...

Hey! Glad to hear that things are going well in Newton! It's good to see that God has provided for you guys! We all miss you at Grace but are glad that you've found a new place to serve!

Em said...

I stumbled across your blog! How great! I don't have your email address anymore since you're changing jobs, so you'll have to give me your address so we can catch up! Will I see you on Thursday at Larin and Jill's?